As I walk the path the Lord has paved for me, I am grateful to continue learning more about my Creator and about the beautiful world He has made.
I’m learning to love words. There was a time in my life when all I cared about was music and basketball. Writing essaysas a high school student was a boring chore. And then I became a writing teacher. I’ve embraced the fact that words move us and help us endure. Words are influential and powerful. Writing is cathartic; words can change a mood. There is beauty in words that is both obvious and mysterious, and I love exploring life through them.
I’m learning to embrace Scripture’s truths. There is nothing more powerful, more enlightening than God’s Word. I know this to be true from my own life experiences, so studying and teaching these truths has become essential and life-giving. Expounding these truths through worship feeds my soul in an extraordinary way.
I’m learning to truly enjoy the beauty in this life. My husband and I don’t just eat to survive. We enjoy delicious food and time spent together over dinner, and we love laughing with friends while talking about life’s endless possibilities. Instead of wishing away difficult seasons in this life, I’m learning to adjust my perspective and embrace each moment the Lord has given me. I’m learning that with a different outlook, there may be joy found in the darkness, and with that light shed, there is always beauty to behold.
Katie is a writer, Bible teacher, and speaker. She is married to Chris, a PCA pastor at Trinity church in St. Louis, MO, and is a mother to three wonderful kids and one wonderful Son-in-law. Katie works as the Director of Music Ministries and Special Events at Trinity and writes for several Christian ministries and organizations. She received her Master of Arts in Theology from Covenant Seminary in St. Louis.